Isn’t it so like “The Boss” to post about the boring stuff? Haha, in case you haven’t heard, thats the nickname I’ve acquired around here. Personally, I hate it, which is probably why its gained such popularity. It reminds me of when I used to work for the government (back in college). There’s this chain of command there that used to make me laugh. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not picking on government jobs, I just don’t do so well with the formality of it all. I like picking which 12 hours of the day I work!
Anyways, I’m off topic. The boring topic I am posting about is none other than a studio update! The studio is looking pretty good these days. The carpet is in and done! Bronson and I finished tweaking all the little details and it all looks pretty good. I mean, we’re no professionals or anything, but we’ve kept the mistakes for the dark corners so you’ll never notice. Paint on the walls has been done for awhile, but now the blinds are installed. We’ve rearranged the studio set up, and its looking nice. I found this awesome wrought iron, glass top table that matches the other studio furniture. Bronson and I spray painted it and it looks great. We have some great ideas for the finishing touches – we’ll let you know as they become more definite.
Here is a copy of the Christmas card all of our clients should be receiving. I know we sent them out in waves, so some of you probably have them and some of you should be seeing them soon. If you DIDN’T get one, thats because we don’t have a current address for you – so let us know what your current address is!!!! Trust me, we don’t have enough money lying around to hit you with a bunch of junk mail 🙂
On a side note, Bronson booked two of the most awesome couples last night and it looks like I’ll get to second shoot with both weddings. Congratulations to Elizabeth and Phaysane and Quisteen and Sean, and we’re excited to be working with you!
Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography | Huupe
Launching a New Product: Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography With tech and AI developing quickly, companies such as Huupe have taken large steps to...