With the great weather all year round in San Diego, I am always surprised that we don’t see more winter weddings. Angela and Lucas chose December 5th as their wedding day and it could not have been a nicer day for a wedding day. The day started off with a little bit of overcast, but quickly cleared up and the sun shined through giving us great light for some really cool photos.
Since Angela was a Point Loma Nazarene University alumni, they chose the Ellipse Chapel on campus as their ceremony location. PLNU has some really interesting trees and flowers, and the buildings all seem to have unique details which made it perfect for some wedding party photos and some of the couple alone. The reception was held just a a few miles away at the Admiral Kidd Club on a military base.
Angela and Lucas really like cows, and it could be seen by the cow theme of their wedding. The ring bearer carried a stuffed cow down the isle with the rings and at the reception all of the tables where named after different types of cows. I never new there were so many types of cows! To me the most impressive looking one was the Texas longhorn.
After the reception the couple said farewell to their guests and got in to their Corvette Stingray and drove off in style. They did not drive off too far to soon though, because we made a quick stop across from the military base at Liberty Station and spent some more time with them alone taking some more great photos. Creating photos of the couple alone is one of my favorite parts of a wedding day, so I was very happy when they told me that they wanted to spend some more time taking photos after the reception.