What a beautiful summer day! We decided to keep it classy this week and take a trip to an old favorite, In-N-Out! The drive-through line was several cars long so we parked our car and dined in. The place was busy and high energy, like always. Eder went with the Protein style Double Double. Jared ordered his hamburger animal style with grilled onions and a chocolate milk shake. He hadn’t had one in years and it defiantly hit the spot : ) Bronson had the Double Hamburger animal style as well while Zimmer went with the Double Cheeseburger and animal style fries on the side, so delish! It was such a nice day we sat outside and enjoyed our All American burgers and fries which made for some great photos. It’s been a very busy summer for us, here at Bauman Photographers, In-N-Out was the perfect choice for a quick lunch so we could all get back to the studio to get some more editing done : )