It was another beautiful day here in San Diego as the Bauman Crew ventured down to Ocean Beach to the famous, Pizza Port! We met up with one of our former intern, Crystal and her husband for a great lunch. Parking was easy, and the restaurant was not crowded by any means so we were able to get our order of 2 large pizzas and plenty of soda rather quickly. Joe and Eder tried a few of their local beers from the bar, which had a very abundant selection! They went with a lighter, IPA brew. Jared took the lead and ordered the San Francisco and Carlsbad pizza, which was the perfect amount for 8 people. The SF pizza was the favorite of the two, filled with ham, pepperoni, and veggies. The Carlsbad was more unique with a whole wheat beer crust, pesto sauce, chicken, sun dried tomatoes and artichoke hearts. The pizza was hot, fresh and everyone left satisfied. Crystal was kind enough to bring the guys Holiday gifts that were so fitting: Canon 24-105mm lenses (that look real!!) but were really cups, such a great gift! I’m sure the guys will have a great time playing pranks with those! Great way to end Pizza Month at Bauman Photographers!