So, as if to coincide with Christmas, our new gear arrived on Friday! For the true photo junkie (like Bronson and I), there really isn’t anything much better than opening brand new photography gear. I’m sure its similar to women and shoes, or at least my sisters and shoes, but it only comes once a year. This year, we got a ton of stuff – new cameras, lenses, flashes, cards, etc. These pictures here are taken with the newest lense addition to our arsenal – our fish eye lense! Bronson and I are both excited to start using it more at weddings and corporate shoots.
A Merry Christmas to all! For those who are interested, we’re going to be closing shop for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I’ll be heading off to Yosemite for a few days on Tuesday, but Lindsay and Bronson will be around through the week. As always, they’ll be around to help you with anything you might need. Frankly, we were all expecting it to be slow last week, and that turned out not to be true. Who knows – maybe next week will be the same . . .
Enjoy your time with family and friends this Christmas season – God bless!
Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography | Huupe
Launching a New Product: Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography With tech and AI developing quickly, companies such as Huupe have taken large steps to...