Well, they finally gave me, the studio manager, a camera. And like a hungry lion let loose on an unsuspecting herd of gazelle, I went crazy. Mostly it was me tinkering around with the ISO, shutter speed, and the aperature–apparently learning to manipulate light is all you need to know. Here are the results…
I call this one “Take THIS for granted!”. It’s just a plain, old San Diego sunset.Outside my apartment. The sun bakes my apartment in the afternoon. Sunset view=hot apartment:
Here is my roommate, Chad, attending to his fish’s bowl. Sadly, they died the following day:
Bronson think they look like Cheerios. I just like the nighttime motion effect on colors:
The fine folks at In-N-Out make excellent shakes. Though “large” is not on the menu, order it anyway:
A nice silhouette from downtown:
Bronson rules with an iron fist around here. I had to promise not to borrow his “special” fountain pen again. I am literally under his boot in this photo:
Jared recently received his panoramic shots back from his New Zealand trip:
This is the view from my desk. I prefer to think of it as “a charming view of residential San Diego.”
And here she is, Bronson’s wife, who stopped by the studio one day to bring warm, chewy cookies:
And finally, a shot of San Diego’s Lindbergh field while driving 60mph down Pacific Highway (DISCLAIMER: do NOT shoot pictures while driving):