Charity Golf Tournament :: La Costa, CA

It is great seeing companies give back to the community. This last fall I got the pleasure of documenting DJO Global's Annual Golf Classic and Gala. According to the companies website the "annual golf tournament to benefit(s) the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation...

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Fashion Shoot :: Bauman Photographers Studio

This shoot was..WOW! Marisol, a local designer, commissioned me to create some images of some really fantastic pieces. To complete the look Diana, our Makeup Artist was wonderful and Thanh our model was truly impressive. Her posing made life easy and the resulting...

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Bauman Lunch :: Korean BBQ!

Bauman Lunch might not ever be the same after our experience at Tabe BBQ... A formal Japanese word meaning "to eat." Pronounced ta·be (tah-bay). It was a small lunch group as Eder and Zimmer drove out to meet Matthew and his crew at his Premiere Mobile Cuisine. We...

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Bauman Lunch :: Thai Month! Stop #5

For the first time all year it finally felt like summer as the Bauman Team drove out to Point Loma for our last week of Thai Month. Antique Thai Cuisine seemed to rank high and everyone's list! We went around the table asking what the most valuable $10 anyone has ever...

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New Homepage

This is the new direction we are considering for our opening page of our website...We think it says all the right things about us as a company, as photographers, and as a serious business. Any constructive criticisms?

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Intern Profile :: Bauman Photographers

I really liked the internship program because going into it, I didn't really now a lot about the editing process of photography, and at Bauman Photographers, they really took the time to sit down with me and show me different skills and techniques. Another cool thing...

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Bauman Lunch :: Thai Month! Stop #4

The Bauman Crew took a quick trip down to Hillcrest for some delicious Thai Food at one of our favorites, Amarin Thai Cusine! We all were so looking forward to this meal : ) We even had our newest Intern, Chantey join us! Zimmer and Josie shared the Chicken Pad Thai...

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Portrait Session :: Balboa Park, San Diego CA

When the Lewis Family came in to town, they took the opportunity to get some updated family photos. After spending some time brainstorming about what they wanted and the family members involved, we came up with Balboa Park as the perfect location for their San Diego...

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Wedding Fashion :: Phoenix, AZ

So this all came about on a whim ... I had a speaking appointment to present to the Phoenix Pictage User Group in January, and was planning my trip out to the desert with Bronson. We looked at eachother at one point in the planning process, and thought "Why not do...

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Bauman Lunch :: Thai Month! Stop #3

Hello! I am so excited to have yet another opportunity to grace the face of the Bauman Photographers Blog! I take advantage of any chance I get to join in on BP's Weekly Wednesday Lunches. Together we have enjoyed BBQ, Caribbean, and this week our lunch date just so...

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Local Event :: San Diego Museum of Art

One of my favorite things about Culture and Cocktails at the San Diego Museum of Art is the fact that every one is different from the last one - Sarah, their event coordinator does an amazing job coming up with new ideas for each one and this one was no exception! The...

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