The meter ran this week on our Bauman Lunch trip. We had just over an hour to enjoy another delicious lunch outing. This week we took a short trip in to Hillcrest to visit one of our favorite pizza places, Bronx Pizza. We usually park 2 blocks away where open parking spots are more common. It gives us time for some picture taking along the way.

This week was also an exciting lunch outing because it was the return of “Would You Rather”. Bronson picked up copy of the new book, and the questions began to roll.
But before we got too deep in to the conversation, first things first, let’s order some pizza.
Bronx is a place that keeps things simple. What you see is what you get. They got a selection of pre-made pizzas up front. For a lunch special, you pick 2 slices, feel free to mix and match, and you get a cup for your fountain drink. Simple as 1-2-3.

It’s really cool going in to the pizza shop. You step in, and it takes you to a different place. I would imagine something like the Bronx. You step up and the guy taking your order is no joke, he looks at you like you should be ready to order. He’s not taking a special request, it’s like order what you see buddy and keep the line moving. So no long line, but plenty of people eating.
Then after you order, you step in to the back, and its like you just walked in to a different neighborhood. You can sit in the first room, which has an outdoor patio/street side feel, or inside to the booths if you would like the dimmer quieter environment

After a couple of minutes of waiting, your pizza toppings are called out and its time to chow-down on some delicious new york style pizza. I went with the supreme combo pizza and the eggplant mushroom pizza. They were both very good, but since I am a meat lover, I liked the combo one better. It was also a very good deal, 2 slices of pizza and a fountain drink for only $6.

We sometimes get a little carried away with our would you rather and this week it was no exception. I bet our neighbors where wondering what was up with the curly hair blonde guy who was demonstrating his super model walk and 70’s cop entrance. The question was would you rather have to enter every room like a 70’s cop or have to always walk like a supermodel on the runway. With either one, we all agreed on one thing. Bronson is the only one that could pull off either.
So what would you rather have to do???