I am so proud of my beautiful wife Megan - She is graduating from SDSU with her Masters degree in social work in a couple of weeks. She has already passed all of the big tests and interviewed for the job at the VA hospital where she has been interning - so, we just...
Free Starbucks Day!
Hey ya'll- Kristin and I just got back from a little trip up to "Starbanks" (as Kristin says) to pick up a free little cup of their new brew - the Pike Place roast which is my new fave of theirs. I typically don't care for the Starbucks coffee but this stuff is pretty...
My trip to Southern Washington
Last week, I was able to escape for a few days and take a little trip. Sara's two sisters and their husbands live in Southern Washington, and Sara and I took a trip up to visit them. For those of you who haven't been to the area, it is simply gorgeous. The scenery is...
Ode to My Nalgene… and more!
This poem is dedicated to Sara France, who loved my haikus more than anyone else.Nalgene, oh Nalgene, sweet gift from my friendsHow purple thy color, and plentiful the ounces you hold.When thirst overwhelms me, my throat crying outYour water replenishes, one sip at a...
Summer Travels
Being the fabulous and understanding boss that he is, Mr. Jared Bauman let me take 4 days off this month to attend a friend's wedding and spend some time sight-seeing in New York City. New York in the summer is fabulous, but very warm. We had a lot of fun exploring...
Team Bauman Takes on the Magic Kingdom
This past Thursday we took a (surprise) company trip to Disneyland for the day! Jared told me I had to be at the studio at 7:45am for a company meeting (he gets a little crazy about these company meetings, so I believed him! :)) but it turned into a trip to the...
Our 36 hours in Missouri
The Missouri countryside - Beautiful in a different way than San Diego...Megan and I just got back from a little trip to Missouri - Ronnie, our cousin graduated pre-med from Truman State! go Ronnie!We stayed with Ronnie and his lovely wife Michelle a couple nights and...
3 Things I Love, by Kristin
I love La Jolla Shores at 9am on a Saturday. It's slightly overcast, not too crowded, the water is full of surfers (always fun to watch!) , and you can leave at noon and still feel like you spent a day at the beach! Jared took a killer shot of La Jolla Shores and...
Pimp my…impala truck?
So the other day, Jared was in a meeting with one of our awesome couples - they started out the meeting at Starbucksbefore heading down to our studio. My phone rang and he excitedly told me that I needed to get up there ASAP with a camera. This is what I saw when I...
I'm a Big Sticky Mess!
Well, here it is. My new found arch-nemesis. Spray Mount.Oh sure, it looks innocent enough. Medium sized can, neat covering cap, small button to press and let spray come out of. DO NOT BE FOOLED. This stuff might as well be called "Sticky Disaster in a Can". After...
I’m a Big Sticky Mess!
Well, here it is. My new found arch-nemesis. Spray Mount.Oh sure, it looks innocent enough. Medium sized can, neat covering cap, small button to press and let spray come out of. DO NOT BE FOOLED. This stuff might as well be called "Sticky Disaster in a Can". After...
The many faces of our Bronson Pate
I thought this would be a fun, midweek blog about our vibrant and vivacious wedding photographer Bronson Pate - enjoy!Bronson dumping the gear after a shoot . . . Lunch at the desk, a common occurence down here . . . And, my personal favorite, Bronson at our wedding...