I think I say this every time, but I love backyard weddings. Really, I do. They're so casual and personable, yet very intimate and fun. For this wedding, I had the opportunity to go along on the rehearsal dinner on a catamaran across San Diego Bay. By the time you get...
Margo and Jason – March 10, 2007- St. Michaels, Poway and L’Auberge, Del Mar, California
Aren't they a cute couple? My first official wedding of 2007 (does our studio manager's wedding back in January really count?) and it was a good one. We started off at Saint Michael's in Poway, and finished up the day at L'Auberge, a lovely place for both wedding and...
Sarah and Daniel, (friends of mine from college) are coming in to see their photos today from their wedding a few weeks ago - They are a super laid back couple so we had a great time in the park with everyone before the ceremony - Sarah and her girls were some of the...
Our studio manager is married!!!
As I'm sure many of you know, our very own Kristin Kalleberg got married this weekend. Bronson and I had the honor of shooting her wedding this Saturday, and it was a blast. This one was extra special for us, mainly because we've gotten to know her so well over the...
Alicia and Robert- O’Donnell House, Palm Springs, California
A couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of shooting the wedding of Alicia and Robert. I hadn't been to Palm Springs in awhile so it was fun to head out there for the wedding - It took place at the O'Donnell house which is evidentally a hot spot for celebrities due...
Remember Lindsay?
Well, It finally came - we've been blogging about it for awhile now and last weekend Lindsay (friend since childhood and our studio manager last year) and her fiance Andrew were married! Don't they look like models? Naturally, Jared and I had a blast shooting the...
Chelo and Jeff – September 23, 2006- Kona Kai Resort, San Diego, California
Chelo and Jeff are one of those couples we stay in good contact, so it was really fun to shoot this one. Bronson and I got to shoot together, which hadn't happened in about a month. I always love working at the Kona Kai Resort too. These two have a real calming...
Danielle and Jacob – September 17, 2006- San Diego Wedding Photography
Man, what a gorgeous day! This is what comes to mind when you think of San Diego in September. Danielle and Jacob are now locals, but we're living in Big Bear when they booked (how cool!). Now tell me what you think - is Danielle a model? She sure knew how to act in...
Elana and Brent – August 26, 2006- Balboa Park, San Diego, California
I'm starting to realize that my personal favorite for wedding receptions is in a backyard. Now, don't get me wrong, you've got to clean up the backyard, throw some decorations up - you know, make it look nice. BUT, with that being said - what an amazing feel all of my...
This is a quick roller-coaster flashback through some of our beautiful weddings and amazing couples we've been blessed to work with this summer -more to come soon!thanks for looking-
Brooke and Frankie – August 19. 2006- San Diego Temple, La Jolla, California
I just met Brooke and Frankie for the first time on Thursday last week - they just flew in from New York and that was the first chance we'd had to sit down with eachother. We started off the day shooting family formals in front of the San Diego Temple in La Jolla and...
Krystal and Warren – August 12, 2006- San Diego Wedding Photography
Krystal and Warren - love this couple! This was such a fun, laid-back wedding that suited their personalities really well. It really was a perfect day - wonderful weather, fun group, and gorgeou scenery. I'm quite jealous of them - as they're on their honeymoon in...