This week we did not have to travel far to find a great lunch. We were all feeling like Greek food would be a great choice so we took a trip down Adams Avenue to Country Kabob. Country Kabob is a restaurant that we have driven by plenty of times, but never really thought of stopping there. We should have gone there sooner!
Adams Avenue is usually busy and it’s hard to find convenient parking, but we got lucky and where able to park a couple of doors down from the restaurant. When you walk in to the restaurant it has a very comfortable feel. The walls are super blue and and are complimented by the white statues around the room. The windows faced north so there was nice even light that contributed to the comfortable feel.
The menu was price friendly. We all ordered from their sandwich menu that had items in the $6 range. They had Gyro’s and all kinds of other sandwiches. Everything that we ordered tasted great. A sandwich, greek fries, a drink and tip came out to around $12.
I am sure we will be returning to this place.