So I was at a lost about what to post about for this week. Perhaps its “writers block” . . . I asked Bronson if he had any ideas, to which his response was “Have you taken any pictures lately?” (Around here, if you can’t think of anything, thats always a safe bet). It was then that I realized I haven’t picked up a camera this week! I honestly can’t remember the last time thats happened! I think with the studio remodel, the meetings, and the reprint orders, I’ve been too busy to even realize it. Its a bit of a dismal feeling, seeing as I am a photographer. But, at the same time, its a nice little break. I will tell you that the family photo shoot I did LAST week was quite fun. Family shoots are something that I would love to get more into, but haven’t really had the time too . . . yet. Occasionally, I’ll get a call about them and have the time, and they always are worth it. This shoot was with Karen, Ed, and their two boys – a delightful South African family. We went to San Deguito Park in North County (see, there’s my spelling problem again). What a gorgeous park – its tucked away in a lovely, tree covered valley. Anyways, here’s a few of my favorites. I also posted them on the website (
Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography | Huupe
Launching a New Product: Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography With tech and AI developing quickly, companies such as Huupe have taken large steps to...