It was a nice summer day as the Bauman Team drove out to Scripps Poway to meet up with the Flippin PIzza mobile food truck. They are a local “New York Style” pizza on the go truck that caters to the corporate businesses all over San Diego County. They dough is made fresh daily and use “high quality ingredients like whole milk, mozzarella and fresh all-natural toppings” as they state on their website. We met Trevor around lunch time yesterday as the line grew longer and longer outside his truck, they had about 6-8 different options for pizza and a great lunch special: 2 slices and a soda for $6! We all tried a variety of slices, Eder had the “Knockout” which was full of different meats and mushrooms, Zimmer and Jared had their favorite the Ricotta, and others went with the classic Pepperoni. It was also Eder’s Birthday! So we celebrated with an “organic” Fun Fetti cake Zimmer had made and sang a wonderful rendition of “Happy Birthday” to Mr. Eder! It’s only the 2nd week of the Mobile Food Truck Month and we are all loving it so far!