A set of twins at one month old . . . there’s not a whole lot cuter 🙂 Jasmine and Preston were twins born at the end of July (same week as Bronson’s little Audrey). Katie and Mike, the parents, asked me to help them out with a baby photography session at their house. I prefer to do these at the babies house – I think they end up being a lot more comfortable, and then we can get images that are a lot more true to them.
I also learned something new at this session – twins allow you to observe and note all the little things that make each so individual. Not that you can’t see the individual personality traits in each baby, but put two of the same age right next to each other . . . all the differences come out.
I was so excited with some of the images that came from this session. The one of Mike and Preston above is my favorite – a father and son. What better portrayal 🙂