Wednesday we headed out for our weekly Bauman lunch. We ventured out to Hillcrest to hit up the ever popular Bronx Pizza. Upon arriving we realized that we had neglected to find change for the meters. We scrounged up enough for 30 minutes because really how long can pizza take right?As we walked up to Bronx Pizza we discovered it was closed for repair…funny thing was there were no workers in sight.
With our time ticking away we headed for a little Mexican taco shop next store.
…but I think the taco shop was the real place in need of repairs. The only table available looked like it would collapse if anyone were to sit there.
So again we had to come up with something else and with the clock running down we made a quick decision to go across he street to Baja Fresh.
Quick and easy and although not our first (or second) choice everyone enjoyed their meal. The food all tasted fresh and well prepared. The one recommendation would be for those people ordering a fish taco: go for the Grilled Mahi Mahi Taco over the Baja Fish Taco as the fish in the Baja Fish Taco was a little fishy tasting.
And as I tried to finish my meal I got the stare down from Jared to hurry because he was certain he was in for a parking ticket.
We ended up being 4 minutes past our time on the meter but luckily we escaped with no ticket!