Heya –
How was everyone’s 4th of July? We were off Monday and Tuesday and I had a wonderful time. I was able to go to the STAR 94.1 party on the Midway for the fireworks show – do you know how amazing firework shows have gotten nowadays? I’ve never been one to believe that fireworks shows are “synced” up. However, I was chit chatting with Michale Hayes, one of the STAR D.J.’s, and he was telling me that the tones of the music actually set off the fireworks now. I started watching the show, and you could tell that it was timed with some of the songs.
Unbelievable . . .
Anyways, some photos to come from the past couple weekends – there were some awesome weddings! On another note, a local wedding website www.weddingconnections.com has chosen to feature our work on their site – check it out! Also, something very exciting – I’ve been asked to speak at Pictage’s Partner Conference in September. I’ll be speaking along with other great photographers like Dennis Reggie, Mike Colon, and David Jay. Now I have to come up with an hour of material to speak on . . . 🙂
Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography | Huupe
Launching a New Product: Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography With tech and AI developing quickly, companies such as Huupe have taken large steps to...