Last night I had the opportunity to shoot for the brand new San Diego Musical Theater. One of my favorite couples from a few years ago, Jill and Robert, are both in professional theater. Jill’s parents, Erin and Gary, recently started a musical theater in San Diego. Their first production, “The Full Monty”, debuted last May and was a hit. Erin called me to do the photography for their second production, “Guys and Dolls”, which opens tonight at the East County Performing Arts Center.
I saw the production last night (obviously, I was photographing it 🙂 and it is really awesome. Robert is one of the leads (I’ll be honest, I don’t remember his character’s name . . .) and does an amazing job. Sara and I are going to the Sunday matinee this weekend and I would recommend going. For more information, you can view their website. I know there are still some tickets available!
Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography | Huupe
Launching a New Product: Lifestyle and E-Commerce Photography With tech and AI developing quickly, companies such as Huupe have taken large steps to...